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Cue Sports

Love playing pool? The Cue Sports Club is back for Semester 1, 2025!

Contact: Shaun


Love pool but hate the cost? Tired of playing on slow, pub size tables? RMIT Cue Sports provide an affordable venue for those searching for a new hobby or looking to shark their friend. No matter what your level of experience is, there's always a table for you! Bring a friend along and enjoy the casual experience.

Become a member
Student (Annual) $65.00
Student (Semester) $40.00
Public (Annual) $110.00
Public (Semester) $70.00



Every Tuesday 5-7PM, commencing on 5th March, Semester 1


Room 8 Pool Lounge Located on level 3, 202 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

What do I get as a member?

Membership includes weekly sessions at Room 8 Pool Lounge with a group of people who want to improve their skills/ learn to play and perfect their craft. Stay tuned for social events as well!

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