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Outdoors Club (ROC)

Outdoors Club (ROC)

The RMIT Outdoors Club runs regular trips for large range of outdoor activities and is one of the largest and most active clubs at RMIT. A reminder that we are NOT a tour company but instead a group of people passionate about the outdoors.


Equipment Hire:


The RMIT Outdoors Club (ROC) is an amazing club based in Melbourne, Australia that hosts a range of exciting and exhilarating outdoor activities. ROC is one of the largest and most active university clubs in Melbourne, with each weekend packed full of great trips. The club is run entirely by volunteers, each of whom has a passion for the outdoors and strives to keep the trip calendar bursting with fun events.

**We DO NOT run tours**, we run trips with people who share with us the same love of the outdoors.

By purchasing a membership with the RMIT Outdoors Club (ROC) you agree to the terms and conditons stated on this linked page.

Become a member
Student (Early Bird until 12-Mar) $30.00 Sold out
Student $40.00
Staff $80.00
Public $80.00
Student (Semester 1) $35.00
Public (Semester 1) $50.00


What activities do we do?

We do everything from:

  • hiking
  • rock climbing
  • caving
  • cross country
  • backcountry skiing (seasonal)
  • mountain biking
  • kayaking and rafting (seasonal)
  • orienteering and rogaining
  • mountaineering (seasonal)
  • snorkelling and free diving
  • adventure racing

plus regular social events

How often are trips run?

There are trips running most weekends during semester and extended trips during holidays and long weekends. Mega-trips are run over summer for the keen and more adventurous. Check out our events on our website to learn more about upcoming trips.

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